Well, my family and friends, it takes many. Let me tell you. I was compeleting baffled while staying at a Italian hotel near the Borghese Villa.
It had already been a struggle to find an available room that night, and I found a hotel online, which had received rave reviews because it had been recently renovated, and yet, the room wasn't too expensive. Sign me up, I said!
When I got there, everything looked really good. Nice entrance way. Close to the Borghese. 24 hour front desk attendent. There even was a camera that he watched to buzz you in and out of the hallway that lead to the rooms. (okay, so maybe that was more creepy, than swanky, but hey, whatever). Think new, stylish, and yet, such the bargain.
So when I finally got to my room and entered--it was... really nice. Okay, okay, I thought, to myself. This is really too good to be true. But I really needed to use the bathroom, so there was was no time to contemplate my amazing luck. I rushed in, flicked on the lights, and whamo. Nothing. Nada. Zippo. Darkness.
By this time, it's around five in the evening, and there's not much daylight outside, and well...my room is, like, dark! I tried all the other lights in my room and immediately shouted: Fuck me! Well, of course, it's sooooo cheap. They gave me the Expedia room.
Well...not exactly, since I didn't book through Expedia, but still. When I calmed my sassy temper down a bit, and proceeded to attempt to turn on everything little lever and switch in the room, and yet, still was faced with complete darkness, I thought to myself...okay, Sassy Catalina, you can either A) go back to the front desk attendent and ask him how to turn on the lights because clearly you are missing something, and thus, will be proven to be a lame retarded American or B) I could stop and think and consider what was I missing?
Voila! Indeed, Sassy Catalina's Spanish pride refuses to let her ever be a lame retarded American.
Insert key in slot, and it makes elecricity! Those crafty Romans.
I told Maria about it, and her response was: Claroooo. (which is basically Spanish for "duh")
Apparently, I am the last to know these things.