I was only suppose to stay four days in Paris (leaving Tuesday and returning Saturday). But instead, I ended up staying a week, mainly due to the fact that my cheap discount carrier flight (akkk-huhmm, cough *VUELING*) from Madrid to Paris got CANCELLED...
(BTW, I knew there was a serious problem when I arrived at the airport and my flight number on the departure monitor said "To Venice," instead of "To Paris" and all the Vueling employees didn´t seem to think that was strange).
Anyway, thirty minutes after we were scheduled to depart, the Vueling bastards cancelled my flight. Ahk! C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D. And thus, threatened to ruin my whole freaking Parisian trip!
So, as you can imagine, Sassy Catalina went into full Sassy Traveler action mode and I headed straight to the Iberian counter, and subsequently had to hussle my-ASS-off (not unlike a broke bar girl in a pool hall, mind you) to get a seat on an Iberia flight leaving THAT afternoon--and returning...? well, what the heck, let´s change the whole plan and stay a week, instead of four days!
So I did. And it was so fabulous that I can´t even express the magnitude of fabulosity, other than to say that I CAN´T BELIEVE I´VE BEEN WASTING ALL MY TIME IN MADRID. (whoops, did I just imply that Paris is so much better than Madrid?)
Why yes, I think I did!
So this is a picture to show everyone my new Eurotrash haircut, which I got in Madrid before my Parisian trip. Normally, if I got this hair cut in the States, I probably would have cried. But here, it completely makes me look and feel like utter Eurotrash, and I LOVE IT. Plus, before this hair cut, I was already getting asked for directions by Spaniards in Madrid at least once a day, which made me suspect that perhaps I was turning into Eurotrash.
But once I got to Paris, I seriously was getting asked for directions, like, THREE times a day (I swear, it´s true!). I have Exhibit A: Euro-Trash haircut to prove it.
Okay, so if having my flight cancelled on the way to Paris wasn´t bad enough.... there was a bomb threat at Orly on the day of my return!
And, of course, the suspicious abandoned suitcase just had to be left in the Iberian terminal, right as I was scheduled to leave for Madrid. Well, do you think I upset, distraught, mad-as-hell and-not-going-to-take-it-anymore? Hell no. I was thrilled. A bomb threat at Orly? Seriously blog-worthy.
Well, not Sassy Catalina.
I sure as hell was NOT sitting around for the main event, so I left the terminal and went outside and across the street and behind the barricades..clarooooooo. Fifteen minutes later, the French police decided it might be a better idea to evacuate the terminal...in case, you know...the suitcase really was a bomb.
Of course, it wasn´t. But still, seriously blog-worthy.
(more fun, french euro'trashy pictures and stories to come...stay tuned)